OWN Capalaba
we can’t wait to meeet you
Welcome to our branch
Capalaba branch is a vital community group and a thriving support network that fosters fun and friendship among a diverse group of women in the region of Redlands Coast. We give local ladies the opportunity for social inclusion and interaction. Capalaba branch began in February 2015. There was an identified need for a social group in the Capalaba area for older women. We initially did a letterbox drop in the neighbourhood and our membership grew from 6 ladies to over 40 and is continuing to grow. You always know where our group is by the loud chatter and laughter whether that is at our monthly meeting or social outings.
We meet on a regular basis, continually encouraging members to grow with support, making new friends, building lasting friendships and enjoying life to the fullest. We are a lively group who have fun, belonging to a group gives us a sense of identity and purpose.
We meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Uniting Church Hall, Cnr. Ney Road and Zandra Street, Capalaba from 9am to 11.30am. We also meet for social morning teas on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10am or lunches on the 3rd Friday of each month at 11.30am at a variety of venues in the local area.
Our activities
At our monthly meetings invited speakers provide information on issues relevant to us, eg. personal safety, health, fitness, resilience, and the members share their stories, skills and abilities. We also enjoy social outing including bus excursions, theatre visits, BBQ’s in the park and participation in Seniors Week activities and Biggest Morning Teas. Over the years we have been involved in identifying and embracing community needs such as Hope in a Suitcase, the Neonatal Unit at Redlands Hospital, the Local Ambulance Committee and Night Ninja’s (supporting homeless and persons in need) to name a few.
Our members are very inventive when devising fun and original activities. These include modelling for the local Op Shops including Link Vision and Uniting Church, a mock Olympics games event, hosting and performing at the Queensland annual Conference, together with trips to our local bay islands for Christmas luncheons. OWN can make a positive change to your life mentally and physically.
Branch details
Join This Branch
Attend a local branch meeting to complete and sign the membership form and pay the $20 annual fee ($10 if joining between January and April). Membership is renewed each July at the start of the tax year.
Branch Meeting
First Wednesday of each month – 9:00am to 11:30am
Location: Redlands Uniting Church – Capalaba, 32 Ney Rd, Capalaba QLD 4157
Social Activities
Third Wednesday of each month (email Convenor for more information)
Older Women’s Network (Qld) Inc. Capalaba