Inquiry into provision and regulation of supported accommodation

Inquiry into provision and regulation of supported accommodation

Inquiry into the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland

On 26 October 2023 the Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Community Support and Services Committee inquire into and report on the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland.

The terms of reference call upon the Committee to inquire into and report on the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland, considering:

Residential services as defined under the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 and other shared living arrangements, including but not limited to:

    1. appropriateness of standards and their enforcement;
    2. provision of support services funded by the NDIS;
    3. provision of accommodation and support services to Queenslanders in this variety of settings, including if the current service delivery model by which level 3 residential services are provided is appropriate or alternative model/s that should be adopted and what role the NDIS should play in supporting these models;
    4. sustainability of proposed model/s, market constraints and potential impact on other government systems;
    5. resident wellbeing, including the differing needs of vulnerable population groups, and adequacy of current service delivery, quality and safeguards and oversight arrangements in place across all levels of government;
    6. the complex state and federal regulatory arrangements that apply.

Call for submissions

The Committee invites written submissions on the inquiry from interested stakeholders and members of the public. The Committee would appreciate you passing its call for submissions on to anyone you believe might be interested in the inquiry.

The closing date for lodging written submissions is Friday 2 February 2024.

An information sheet which provides guidelines on making a submission can be found here. Please ensure all submissions meet these requirements.

Click here to make a submission. Through this link you can write your submission or upload a file containing your submission.


Please note: Your name and submission may be published on the committee’s inquiry webpage, which will mean it can be viewed on the internet. You can request for your name to be withheld from your published submission, or for both your name and your submission to be kept confidential (i.e. not published). Decisions about whether and how submissions are published are at the discretion of the committee.


Submissions must include:

  • the author’s name
  • if the submission is made on behalf of an organisation, the level of approval (e.g. a local branch, executive committee or national organisation), and
  • at least two of the following:
    • email address
    • mailing address, and
    • daytime telephone number.

Other information

Documents relating to the Committee’s inquiry can be found on the inquiry webpage.

The committee plans to hold a public briefing on 13 November 2023. Details will be provided on the inquiry webpage as they become available.

If you have any questions about this inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat on (07) 3553 6623.


Community Support and Services Committee


Parliament House
Cnr George and Alice Streets Brisbane Qld 4000
Ph: 07 3553 6623