Research Invitation – Breathlessness Action Plans

Research Invitation – Breathlessness Action Plans

In partnership with the Lung Foundation Australia, a research project is underway to find out about the different breathlessness action plans being used by people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (sometimes also called emphysema, chronic bronchitis or chronic asthma).

Many people with COPD experience a sudden worsening in breathlessness that is frightening, sometimes leading them to call an ambulance or go to the Emergency Department. Sudden breathlessness can sometimes be a symptom of a COPD exacerbation that requires medical treatment. However, at other times, sudden breathlessness may be caused by factors like exertion or changes in the weather, and can be self-managed using simple strategies like breathing techniques, positioning and a hand-held fan.

Breathlessness action plans are easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides on what to do when breathlessness becomes suddenly worse but is NOT due to a COPD exacerbation. They differ from COPD action plans that focus on assessing and managing a COPD exacerbation using medical treatments.

The research team is hoping to hear from:

  • people living with COPD who have first-hand experience of using a breathlessness action plan;
  • family members or others who provide support to someone with COPD using a breathlessness action plan; and
  • health professionals from any discipline and specialty who recommend and/or complete breathlessness action plans with people with COPD as part of the support they provide.

The plan may be one sourced through a health service or other organisation, or one that you developed yourself.

Participation will involve completing a 15-minute online questionnaire or telephone/Zoom interview, according to your preference.

Results from the survey will inform the co-design of an optimal breathlessness action plan to be made available free-of-charge by the Lung Foundation Australia as a complement to their COPD action plan.

For more information and to complete the survey, please go to the relevant web-page as follows:

 Or contact the project team via or +61 (0)2 9514 4861.